Employment Opportunity

Mason County Central / METS Has an open bus driving position -

$500 sign-on bonus

4.58 hrs per day / $18.00 per hour

180 days per year, 20 paid days off.

Paid training! Stop in or call 231-757-3711 or go to https://www.contractbusdrivers.com/mason-county-central-schools/


Head of Transportation

  • 1085 E. U. S. 10

Scottville, MI 49454


Phone: (231)757-3711

Fax: (231)757-4603


Please contact the transportation department to add students to a bus route or make changes to their bus schedule. Students are not automatically added to buses when registered at school.

Students are to ride to their designated stops only no bus passes will be given to ride other buses.

Bus Rider Rules and Responsibility of Parents

EZRouting-set up busing